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Lucia (Brenda Rae) (c) Ken Howard, 2017

Lucia di Lammermoor 2017

July 1 - August 24, 2017

A Wedding To Die For…

Gaetano Donizetti composed like a man possessed, creating more than three dozen operas celebrated for their melodic richness and vocal splendor. His tragic romance Lucia di Lammermoor is not just the best-known of these, but perhaps the most iconic of all bel canto operas. It is a gripping tale of thwarted love and a sensitive portrait of a woman at the breaking point — a heroine whose famous mad scene sets the standard for high accomplishment in coloratura singing.

Music By
Gaetano Donizetti
Libretto By
Salvadore Cammarano


Act I

Scene 1. On the grounds of Ravenswood Castle: Normanno orders his men to find a mysterious intruder who is hidden somewhere on the estate. Enrico cannot understand why his sister Lucia refuses to accept a marriage that will restore the family’s fortune, but Normanno tells him he suspects Lucia has a secret lover and that lover is Edgardo, Enrico’s mortal enemy. The men return, confirming that the intruder on the estate is indeed Edgardo.

Scene 2. A park on the Castle grounds at Lammermoor: Lucia awaits Edgardo by a fountain where she once saw the bloody ghost of a murdered young woman — when the ghost vanished, the waters of the fountain had turned red with blood. Edgardo tells Lucia he must leave immediately for France. The two lovers solemnly pledge their troth by exchanging rings and vowing their eternal love for each other.

Scene 3. Enrico’s apartment in Lammermoor Castle: Enrico tries desperately to convince Lucia of the importance of her marriage to Arturo. Lucia remains true to her vows to Edgardo, even when her brother shows her a letter, forged in Edgardo’s handwriting, telling of his love for another woman. Enrico threatens Lucia that if she does not marry Arturo, this will rob him of his life and he will return to haunt her for the rest of her life. Raimondo, the priest, tells Lucia that if she does not relent, her dead mother will shudder in her grave.

Scene 4. The great hall of Ravenswood Castle: The wedding party has assembled and Lucia has scarcely signed the marriage contract when Edgardo bursts in. For a moment, everything seems to stand still as each of the charac[1]ters tries to understand the horror of what is happening to them. Upon seeing the contract with Lucia’s signature, Edgardo realizes that Lucia has broken her sacred vows and he demands the return of his ring.

Act II

Scene 1. A room in the tower at Wolf’s Crag: Galloping through the terrible storm, Enrico comes to challenge Edgardo to a duel. The two men agree to fight to the death in the morning.

Scene 2. The great hall of Ravenswood Castle: With Arturo and Lucia’s wedding, the family’s fortune has been saved and a wild celebration is in progress when Raimondo bursts in: Lucia has murdered her new husband in their wed[1]ding chamber and she has gone insane. In her madness, yet infinitely happy at last, Lucia imagines she is marrying her beloved Edgardo.

Scene 3. Outside the Castle at Wolf’s Crag: As he waits for Enrico to arrive in order to fight their duel, Edgardo imagines how happy Lucia must be in Arturo’s arms. A party of mourners brings word of Lucia’s madness and as the bell tolls, Raimondo tells Edgardo of Lucia’s death. Unable to bear the thought of life without his beloved, Edgardo kills himself.


Brenda Rae headshot

Brenda Rae



Mario Chang headshot

Mario Chang



Zachary Nelson headshot

Zachary Nelson



Christian Van Horn headshot

Christian Van Horn



Stephen Martin headshot

Stephen Martin



Sarah Coit headshot

Sarah Coit



Carlos Santelli headshot

Carlos Santelli


Lord Arturo Bucklaw

Corrado Rovaris headshot

Corrado Rovaris


Ron Daniels headshot

Ron Daniels


Riccardo Hernandez headshot

Riccardo Hernandez

Scenic Designer

Emily Rebholz headshot

Emily Rebholz

Costume Designer

Christopher Akerlind headshot

Christopher Akerlind

Lighting Designer

Peter Nigrini headshot

Peter Nigrini

Projection Designer

Zack Winokur headshot

Zack Winokur


Choreographer, Lucia di Lammermoor

Susanne Sheston headshot

Susanne Sheston

Chorus Master