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La traviata 2013

La traviata 2013

July 20 - August 22, 2013

How well do you really know Verdi?

Honoring the bicentennial of Verdi’s birth, The Santa Fe Opera revives one of his most popular operas. Glamour and gaiety are on full display in director-designer Laurent Pelly’s vision of the Parisian demimonde, but so is a much darker side. While elegant gowns and jewels create a glittering tableau, the partygoers of La traviata inhabit a cynical world of power relations.

Music By
Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto By
Francesco Maria Piave


Act I

The opera opens at the home of courtesan Violetta Valéry, who is throwing a raucous party. One of the guests, Alfredo Germont, is introduced to Violetta and reveals that he has loved her from afar for some time, which Violetta laughs off before asking him to lead the party in a drinking song. The guests leave to dance, but Violetta is too weak due to her affliction with consumption, and Alfredo stays behind with her. Alfredo promises to love and care for her, but she makes clear that she only lives a life of pleasure. After he leaves, Violetta is somewhat overcome by his tenderness, but she resolves to stick with her earlier declarations.

Act II

Alfredo and Violetta have been living together happily in the countryside for three months. Alfredo discovers that Violetta has been selling her possessions in order to finance their household and he leaves for Paris to raise money. Germont, Alfredo’s father, arrives unexpectedly and asks Violetta to end her relationship with Alfredo, since it jeopardizes his daughter’s upcoming marriage. Violetta eventually agrees and decides to return to her life as a courtesan. Alfredo returns and she reassures him of her love, even as she is departing for Paris. She leaves a note for Alfredo, informing him that she is returning to her former patron, Baron Douphol. Germont tries to reassure his distraught son, asking him to return to their home in Provence, but Alfredo vows revenge and leaves for Paris.


Alfredo arrives at a lively party thrown by Flora Bervoix, a close friend of Violetta’s. Violetta and the Baron soon appear, having reunited. The Baron challenges Alfredo to a card game and loses a great deal of money. Alfredo tries to get Violetta to leave the party with him, but she refuses. Angered, Alfredo summons the party guests and throws the money he has won at Violetta’s feet. The Baron challenges Alfredo to a duel.

Act IV

Violetta is mortally ill. Both Germont and Alfredo travel to Paris in order to see her, but Violetta wonders whether she will live until their arrival. Alfredo rushes in and they declare their mutual love. Alfredo begins to describe a new life he has planned for them away from Paris, but it is obvious that Violetta’s death is imminent. Violetta gives her portrait to Alfredo, with the hope that he will think of her even after he finds someone else. After a final moment of strength, she dies.


Brenda Rae headshot

Brenda Rae


Violetta Valéry

Michael Fabiano headshot

Michael Fabiano


Alfredo Germont

Roland Wood headshot

Roland Wood


Giorgio Germont

Dale Travis headshot

Dale Travis


Doctor Grenvil

Keith Jameson headshot

Keith Jameson



Jonathan Michie headshot

Jonathan Michie


Baron Douphol

Jennifer Panara headshot

Jennifer Panara


Flora Bervoix

André Courville headshot

André Courville


Marquis d'Obigny

Rebecca Witty



Joseph Dennis headshot

Joseph Dennis



Adam Lau headshot

Adam Lau


A Messenger

Rocky Sellers headshot

Rocky Sellers


Flora's Servant

Leo Hussain headshot

Leo Hussain


Laurent Pelly headshot

Laurent Pelly

Director & Costume Designer

Chantal Thomas headshot

Chantal Thomas

Scenic Designer

Camille Dugas headshot

Camille Dugas

Associate Scenic Designer

Duane Schuler headshot

Duane Schuler

Lighting Designer

Susanne Sheston headshot

Susanne Sheston

Chorus Master